This is an update and an apology. There is no episode of Lost Lancastrian this week, so I'm sorry to those of you that have been following along so far but with the changes coming I decided not to rush a new episode out. For those that have been following recently you'll have noticed this blog and the podcast Lost Lancastrian have basically been the same thing. I've felt that this is a bit of a cheat and doesn't give people much reason to come here. From now on this is going to be changing. The Lost Lancastrian podcast will remain a narrative, memoir of sorts bringing you along with me as I go through the research and development of the new podcast, When Grift Killed a Nation. This new podcast, which is a narrative telling of the history of Scotland's ill fated Darien Venture, is sitting at the centre of everything I'm doing at the moment.
This blog will concentrate on being more of a background guide to the places I go and the resources I use, particularly those that can be interesting places to visit. In some cases this might be galleries or museums, but will also include historic buildings, natural sites and the occasional cafe or restaurant. My hope is that you can get some direct use from the blog and be able to follow and engage in the story and history in a very real way. My hope being that this will help you can get the value of experience and find an interesting and original way to plan your visit if you're coming to Edinburgh for a break.
Lost Lancastrian will remain the narrative tale but as it progresses I'm going to be bringing in other voices from conversations with experts, historians, and business owners. The aim is to provide some greater depth to the overall experience and linking the history to contemporary life. Over time, as When Grift Killed a Nation comes to the end of season, this will change to some extent again but likely only to introduce the next story and the research going into it.
This blog will also introduce posts as guides to places around Edinburgh, accommodation options and how to get around. I'll do regular highlighting of special events and exhibitions and anything else I think may be of interest. So generally this blog is going to be far more about providing immediately useful information that still exists in line with everything else I'm doing. Now to figure out how I work in YouTube and Spotify outside of the pods. With that, take care and have a great day.